Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Monster Movie Tago Mago Ege Bamyasi Future Days

I improvised and recorded 5 songs this evening. It was a worthwhile creative exercise.

Can are quickly becoming one of my favourite bands (although I've not yet put the time in to love them truly):

Saturday, February 21, 2009

And then fire!!!!!!!!!

I'm creating a sonic spectacle =)
No part can exist without the whole. Hooray!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

My heels.

They're made for digging in. They ache, they ache, they ache. As surely as I cannot change these things, I cannot get back to sleep. There's so much power in powerlessness.

What does it mean to produce something meaningful?

"Choosing the exact word is the difference between the lightning and the lightning bug."

Monday, February 16, 2009

Saturday, February 14, 2009

I have joints and basketball and funk music and my sexy detailed new car smell telecaster and sense of worthless worth that makes me happy.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Stress of the attempted double all-nighter. I fell asleep far earlier than I would have liked. But I suppose that's always the case.

I feel proud and disabled. Is it possible to be jealous of yourself? Does that signify some kind of personal disconnect from reality? I covet the things I can easily have but don't because I can't.

Gliding is a good way to move, it hides the constant stutter of my footsteps. I'm glad someone else's agony is in your body, so to speak.

"Hence it cannot not be conceived without correlative knowledge." Puke. Focus. Fuck yourself blind.

This was a good pep talk.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

More Songs About Buildings and Food

I feel a bit uneasy today. I live where I live and the way that I live is endless. Until I die. I swallow a sword and fill out a general survey about my personality. My favourite television programs define me. My favourite records are best sellers. I am totally completely satisfied and none of this is a lie.

My love is mediated. And medicated.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


My body is only a piece. I find you in ascending melodies. Their hallways are crowded and intimate- the kind of place where strangers groweatchangefeellosethemselves the same way that I do. Presentation is nothing if not immaculate.

And the smell is that of fresh fruit, sliced.

"I know it's not much, but it's everything."
I'm fairly certain that my life is becoming, I kid you not, a reality show about drag queens.

Cellino and Barnes own a part of the Buffalo Bills.
If you lived here, you'd be home right now.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Sing in a round! Rejoice!

Part one: clouds are seen near the surface of the lake. the endless feeling of something enormous flying above your head. trees bending visibly in the wind, stretching the definition of physical impossibility. legs, arms, bodies, minds intertwined. somewhere, a loon calls. AM radio. one way transmission is undemocratic. ah, but rescued by the dial. station to station, epic paid vacations, sublation. At about seven degrees, layers come off. I miss the sweet, slowburning flame.

Today (so far): The Impressions-This is My Country/The Young Mod's Forgotten Story, Sunset Rubdown-Random Spirit Lover, Of Montreal-The Sunlandic Twins, Blind Faith-Blind Faith, King Crimson-In the Court of the Crimson King, Sonic Youth- Dirty.

Friday, February 6, 2009

"Alack, and what shall good old York there see
Unpeopled offices, untrodden stones?
And what hear there for welcome but my groans?
Therefore, commend me; let him come not there
To seek out sorrow that dwells everywhere."
-Duchess of Gloucester, Richard II, Act I, Scene ii.